Monthly Archives: December 2014

Queen Banks

i really…really REALLY LOVE THIS WOMAN. she is such a dope, super talented and intelligent sista. and thank you for speaking you mind sis, keep reminding everyone of THE TRUTH.


four eyes

i recently began wearing glasses again. anyone who knows me, knows that i am blind (“im legally blind….BARELY”..alright i’m done lol).

being a die hard contact wearer for years i am giving my eyes some much needed rest.


today i randomly looked up “makeup looks for black women who wear glasses”  it was a shot in the dark but i was so surprised! i know, right?!?

here are two of my favorites:





girls can…

nail inspirations



so simple & pretty, i love it!.

1 2 3

Watching movement beetles like….



Carry on…


She is just too cute


Charles Barkley X Ferguson

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Listen….

“cops are actually awesome. And they’re the only things in the ghetto between this place being the wild, wild west and so this notion that cops are out there just killing black men is ridiculous. day. ..”

I just..I cant even do it today.

Someone tell this man to stick to basketball and being a good ol negro and have several seats. WTFUCK man?


