Category Archives: true life*

Wedding Cakes X Bridal Expo

i completely forgot i had some pics from the bridal expo i attended a few weeks ago… wasn’t the best bridal show i attended, but it was still fun…i think i was too busy running around getting business cards and pricing information…my mom was def more excited than i was, lol


white caketux cakeblue ish cake

besties X bunny ears


A Lipstick Story

my auntie in my head professing her love of lipsticks

summertime inspiration

this woman…..

sooooooo i need to get my life and get to the gym


weekend summary

2013-04-21 10.57.302013-04-21 11.26.302013-04-21 19.34.31


found via published March 28,2013 by Denise J. Hart


“It’s okay to reinvent yourself! You don’t need to apologize to anyone for a shift in the trajectory of your life. You are responsible for creating Your Life, not anyone else’s! Stand Tall. Be Proud. Embrace Change and do you all the way!

Most women find the act of reinvention and having the power to create their life to be a foreign and even fearful concept. As a result, we are more prone to get caught up in trying to live our lives according to someone else’s standards and expectations….

Reinvention is the realm of possibility and since possibility has no fixed address that alone frightens many of us. We have been fed a steady diet that says we should focus on closed-ended trajectory for the course of our life’s journey. You know, the kinds of careers that end with a pension and social security for a “safe” retirement….

The truth of the matter is that we are creating our lives whether we realize it or not. Every moment of action and inaction adds up to the sum total of the existence we have created….”

Virgo @ Work


“who else can make Kings out of bastards?..”

simply beautiful


Countdown to June 2014

you and i…


